27.-28.07.2013 Nowlan Park, Kilkenny, Ireland GRANDE FINALE!

Tänne kaikki keskustelu vuoden 2013 kiertuesta
Jack Of All Trades
Viestit: 124
Liittynyt: 11.01.2013 13:32
Paikkakunta: Pirkanmaa

Re: 27.-28.07.2013 Nowlan Park, Kilkenny, Ireland GRANDE FIN

Viesti Kirjoittaja RoCk »

Johan on ollut upea keikkareissu foorumilaisilla! (Ihan pienesti harmittaa kun ei tullut lähdettyä mukaan...)
Kiitokset hienojen fiilisten jakamisesta!
Liisa S
Daydream Believer
Viestit: 4206
Liittynyt: 09.01.2013 16:57
Paikkakunta: Espoo

Re: 27.-28.07.2013 Nowlan Park, Kilkenny, Ireland GRANDE FIN

Viesti Kirjoittaja Liisa S »

Salla kirjoitti:a video, jossa näkyy hiukan Teron ja Päivin sekä muun porukan reaktioita.
Tuohan on selvästi joku siistitty versio tapahtumista, tuosta puuttuu se alun korviavihlova kirkuminen ja ryhmähali, jossa pienimmät rutistuivat litteiksi, ja se loppupuoli jossa koko jengi Teroa ja Päiviä lukuunottamatta parkuu räkä poskella (ja onneksi se puuttuukin). Me olimme oikein ylevä ja edustava ryhmä siinä vaiheessa. Mutta upeaa kun sait tuon verran niitä tunteita nauhalle, Salla!
Downbound Train
Viestit: 1085
Liittynyt: 13.01.2013 10:46
Paikkakunta: Tampere

Re: 27.-28.07.2013 Nowlan Park, Kilkenny, Ireland GRANDE FIN

Viesti Kirjoittaja Salla »

Liisa S kirjoitti:
Salla kirjoitti:a video, jossa näkyy hiukan Teron ja Päivin sekä muun porukan reaktioita.
Tuohan on selvästi joku siistitty versio tapahtumista, tuosta puuttuu se alun korviavihlova kirkuminen ja ryhmähali, jossa pienimmät rutistuivat litteiksi, ja se loppupuoli jossa koko jengi Teroa ja Päiviä lukuunottamatta parkuu räkä poskella (ja onneksi se puuttuukin). Me olimme oikein ylevä ja edustava ryhmä siinä vaiheessa. Mutta upeaa kun sait tuon verran niitä tunteita nauhalle, Salla!
Voi kuule, tuota itsekin mietin! Alkureaktio olisi ollut todella hauskaa saada videolle, kaikki vaan räjähti aivan täysin! Se kuuluu niin hyvin tuosta kauempaa kuvatusta videosta. Toisaalta sellainen video olisi ollut pelkkää tärinää, vilahtavia kuvia ja kirkunaa. Ei siinä pomppiessa olisi pystynyt yhtään mihinkään.
Brucekin varmaan tykkäsi koko porukan reaktiosta. Sen verran sitä hymyilyttää kun se katsoo Teron ja Päivin suuntaan.
Tonight I'll be on that hill 'cause I can't stop
Downbound Train
Viestit: 1058
Liittynyt: 11.01.2013 12:13

Re: 27.-28.07.2013 Nowlan Park, Kilkenny, Ireland GRANDE FIN

Viesti Kirjoittaja Philly »

Ile kirjoitti:Nyt löytyy täydellinen versio samasta aiheesta.

Ainakaan minä en saa kaikista sanoista selvää. Koska kyseessä on merkkitapaus Turku THL:n tapaan, ehdotan että tuo puhe seulotaan kunnolla.

xxx xxx, that's right
You, I owe the song, I'll be right with you

This sign says: Luettelee kaupungit
No fucking song at this sign
xxx been to all these shows and haven't heard my song
At many of these other shows I have taken this man's sign
And I have not played the song
And he makes the same exact sign every single time
He is such a generous and patient soul - him and his lovely girl
And so, tonight - next to your pal there - you're gonna get your song!
Or maybe we won't do it tonight either!

Clark, come forward
Oh, one
Wait a second
I must start and xxx count you, guys
Clark, you're alright?
Ok, my friend

Voisikohan paremmin ymmärtävät korjata tarvittaessa ja täydentäkää xxx merkittyjä.

Arvasitteko muuten etukäteen että Garry ei soita tuubaa?

Edit:Korjattu sanoja
Viimeksi muokannut Philly, 02.08.2013 23:03. Yhteensä muokattu 1 kertaa.
Saved by rock'n'roll
Viestit: 2367
Liittynyt: 10.01.2013 9:12
Paikkakunta: Turku

Re: 27.-28.07.2013 Nowlan Park, Kilkenny, Ireland GRANDE FIN

Viesti Kirjoittaja Ile »

Yhdeksän päivän euforia... (osa 3/3... kts. myös Cardiff- ja Leeds-ketjut):


Tämän prosessointiin menee vielä hyvän aikaa. Mitähän tästä sanoisi näin parin päivän sulattelun jälkeen. Ensinnäkin oli huippua, että niin paljon THL-väkeä päätyi samaan paikkaan yöpymään. Helpotti myös jatkoilua, kun tiesi, että hotellin baarissa tavataan. Kiitos THL:n Clonmel-haara. Olette ihania.
Lauantain lämppärit olivat hyviä, mutta Josh Ritter ehdottomasti kovin. Mies tykkäsi olla lavalla ja se välittyi. Itse keikasta on puhuttu jo jonkun verran. Olihan se Bitusan läpisoitto massiivinen pettymys, vaikka en ainakaan tunnusta oikein odottaneeni mitään. Albumikeikkaan en kuitenkaan uskonut. Sen jälkeen fiilis ei oikein enää lähtenytkään nousuun, vaikka levyn b-puoli toimi itse asiassa aika hyvin. Pettymys jäi kuitenkin lauantaina päällimmäiseksi tunteeksi, vaikka pitää muistaa, että keikka siihen asti oli ollut itse asiassa varsin kova. Ennen keikkaa olisin varmasti sanonut olevani tyytyväinen, jos Sweet Soul Music tulee. Jos oltaisi jatkettu yksittäisten biisien soittamista, tämäkin keikka olisi varmasti ollut todella kova. Varmasti se sitä olisi nytkin ollut, jos ei olisi aiemmin kuullut Bitusa-albumikeikkaa.

Toisena iltana Rikunkin esiin nostama Imelda May veti lämppärinä pisteet kotiin (missä viipyy Jersey Boys-ketju?). Jos sunnuntain biisejä ajatellaan, niin ei se listana mikään uskomaton setti ollut. Itselleni nousi kovimmiksi jutuiksi Circus Story (yksi upeimmista hetkistä ikinä), muut toiveet, Shout (ne kiitokset), This Hard Land ja, hieman yllättäen, BTR. Se toimi tuossa tilanteessa todella hyvin. Maailman paras levy ja kolme maailman parasta biisiä. Ei tehnyt hirveästi mieli valittaa. Sunnuntaista kuitenkin päällimmäisenä mieleen nousee vahva THL-edustus ja se kollektiivinen haikea riemu, joka oli mielestäni läsnä koko päivän ajan. Tuon sunnuntaisen Kilkennyn illan tunteen muistan aina ja se oli yksi unohtumaton hetki jälleen lisää kokoelmaan. Mamma-Muppetkin koitti tehdä lopulta sovintoa ennen keikan alkua ja ainakin aselevon taisimme saada aikaan. Katsotaan sitten seuraavalla kiertueella...
Valtaisat kiitokset kaikille, joiden kanssa tänä kesänä tätä rakasta matkaa sain tehdä. Ja erityiskiitos THL:n lapselliselle-osastolle. Olen erittäin otettu lahjasta.
Let go of the little distractions
Hold close to the ones that you love
Cause we won't all be here this time next year
So while you can, take a picture of us
Lucky Man
Viestit: 296
Liittynyt: 11.01.2013 19:50

Re: 27.-28.07.2013 Nowlan Park, Kilkenny, Ireland GRANDE FIN

Viesti Kirjoittaja Anneli »

Onnittelut Terolle ja Päiville! Todella huikeeta, että nyt toive sitten toteutui ja Brucen upeiden sanojen kera :P Sydän pompahti ylimääräisen kerran kun näin circus stoorin settilistassa...ja video sai kyyneleet silmiin!
Viestit: 520
Liittynyt: 11.01.2013 11:11
Paikkakunta: turku

Re: 27.-28.07.2013 Nowlan Park, Kilkenny, Ireland GRANDE FIN

Viesti Kirjoittaja pesku »

Tässä pari ulkomusiikillista kuvaa Kilkennystä. Brucen tulo kaupunkiin oli huomioitu varsin monella tavalla.

Kuva Kuva
Kuva Kuva
Ei viksusti, mutta rehellisesti.
Liisa S
Daydream Believer
Viestit: 4206
Liittynyt: 09.01.2013 16:57
Paikkakunta: Espoo

Re: 27.-28.07.2013 Nowlan Park, Kilkenny, Ireland GRANDE FIN

Viesti Kirjoittaja Liisa S »

Bruce Springsteen at Nowlan Park, Kilkenny, Ireland, Sunday July 28th, 2013 (Wrecking Ball Weekender Day 2)
We all kind of ran away with this Circus, didn't we?

Second day of the Kilkenny Wrecking Ball Weekender dawns, and we go to our hired cars, still sleepy and yawning as we came quite late last night to our hotel in Clonmel, 50 kilometers south from Kilkenny and we have to leave early to be in time at the first roll call. We'll probably get more rain than yesterday and we might get another album show, but at least it won't be BitUSA again. Both BtR and Darkness would do for me, as I've sen them only once this summer. But let's not set our hopes too high, and let's enjoy whatever songs we'll get.

Again sitting and waiting in the pit line, and then we are in at one o'clock or so. Last night I left the front of pit only after Bruce had left the stage and so I have one of the worst numbers (599) of all of us Finns, but luckily the earlier leavers (numbers between 200 - 450) had found a nice spot in the pit and I could sit behind them. About same spot as yesterday, when I had number 460 on my hand, and again we THL Finns gather around the Circus sign.

There was a weird pit rush even before the first band was on stage, and after it we lost our spacious area and had to do with quite tight spot. The first act today is Delorentos, not bad and most of us even bother to stand for them. Next LAPD was on stage playing traditional Irish music, and as the whole group sat on chairs, some of us decide to sit too during their set. No room to choose your sitting spot, and as there was a mashed banana peel and a wet, half eaten sandwich just where I stood, I ended up sitting on both of them although I tried to avoid them. My trousers didn't look too pretty after this but never mind, this is a summer festival where stuff like this is supposed to happen and my legs got some well needed rest! The third act was Imelda May, and she sure deserved to see a standing, active audience.

The band enters the stage, and starts again with This Little Light of Mine. Same start as yesterday, but the audience is again taking part very actively by singing and dancing. This is the last show, let's do this right. Then on with My Love Will Not Let You Down and Badlands, and the energy level stays high among audience and also on stage. We Take Care of Our Own wasn't played yesterday and so it is very nice that we hear it today as we have been taking care of our own during this summer on all these "tramps like us" trips.

Adam Raised a Cain, cool! Let's do some serious shouting now! After Death to My Hometown (including some serious shouting as well) Bruce shows a weird sign to the band and only after the next intro starts, I figure out that the sign was four fingers + one finger aka 41 Shots. Not as good place to do it as in Leeds, but here the audience sings the chorus much louder. This is a good audience, Kilkenny is a really good place to be right now.

The Promised Land keeps audience active, and doesn't Bruce actually look more active and smiling than yesterday? He is clearly far more present than he was on Saturday. No more shows after this for a while, and so he doesn't have to save his strength now. Wrecking Ball follows, and finally I see an audience which has figured out that the line "so raise up your glasses" really means a suitable moment to raise beer mugs, beer bottles and whatever plastic water bottles we have. And eye glasses as well, thanks to our THL the Next Generation kids. Kiddos, that's your old uncle Bruce on the stage, show some RESPECT, d'uh!

Spirit in the Night makes Bruce move along the front rails and he is smiling as he sits down a couple of time and lets people caress his arms and face. During Spirit's intro Bruce tells the audience to answer the familiar YEAH YEAH one last time, but immediately continues that one last time for a while. He now keeps on telling that he will certainly come back again and again and again, and that's something we really wanted to hear, happy cheers all over! But do you say that because you know it is true, Bruce, or do just you try to make yourself believe that no matter what health problems you might have, you can do this again and again? I hope for the best, but I'm still not sure if we will ever see E Street Band as it is now.

Spirit has often been followed by an album, what about tonight? No, now we hear The River which probably was a request. After it Bruce takes several sips of his blue drink, gives a longer talk about paying some depts by doing some songs - and he points to the spot where we stand. Tero has raised the Circus sign high and we rest keep our own signs down and just point at the Circus sign and yes, Bruce really means it! We all scream and hug each others so fiercely that Tero nearly forgets to give the sign to Bruce while he smiles at our joy and walks to the middle catwalk to gather the sign.

Bruce takes the tent sign with him, shows it to the audience and the band and tells that he has gathered this sign already many times (actually twice, in Helsinki 2012 and in one of the Turkus this spring) but this guy just keeps on making new ones. Bruce then continues to read all the over 40 shows listed on the back of the sign - and then tells that he isn't going to play it now either. But of course that was just a joke, and while Tero and Päivi are let to the front row during this song, Bruce calls Clark and his tuba to stage front and does Wild Billy's Circus Story beautifully, just like it should be done. Tero and Päivi keep cool, but the rest of us lost it totally and used all the tissues we had.

The next "this guy has been carrying this request for ages" sign Bruce picks is yet a bigger rarity, Man at the Top. Like Circus Story, this clearly has been rehearsed and we even know that Circus would have been played in Leeds if Tero and Päivi had been there with their sign, as it was on the Leeds set list. The third rarity in this slot is When You Walk in the Room, and excellent cover song and a true gem from the oldest bootlegs.

The show has already taken quite long, but Bruce still announces that he is now going to play the BtR album in the right order. But never mind, I'm so high after the previous songs and besides, that means that I'm going to get full band Thunder Road, Backstreets, Night, Meeting and finally, Jungleland now! Hooray! Unlike when BitUSA yesterday started, now the audience stays just as active and happy as they were during the early part of the show. This is certainly the best possible album choice for this show, if an album has to be played. Again Sad Eyes in Backstreets, and how majestic Jungleland sounds tonight!

Before starting the album, Bruce tells a short story about an Italian kid in the recording studio during 1970's and points Jimmy Iovine out from the audience. He was the recording engineer on BtR, Darkness, River and Tunnel albums.

After the album it is time for Waitin', but isn't that an electric guitar Kevin brings and not acoustic, and isn't this the intro of The Rising? When I say to folks next to me that maybe Waitin' will be in the encores, they all tell me to be quiet so that Bruce would not figure out that he forgot to play it tonight. Land Of Hope And Dreams is truly wonderful tonight with fantastic horns and lots of audience participating - but the lyrics about leaving, especially the line "Let this day be your last" make me totally lose my control once again. Tissues please. Lots of them.

The encore starts with a powerful, magnificient Born In The USA. This is again how it should sound, so much better than yesterday when there wasn't a similar Max's drum solo in the end. And how this audience sing along! Bobby Jean and waving hands is followed by Seven Nights To Rock and a dancing party in the pit. Dancing In The Dark features a blue-haired girl with a sign saying "I dyed my hair blue to dance Irish dancing with Bruce", and she really makes surprised but smiling Bruce copy her riverdance movements for a while before Bruce grabs her for a more traditional dance routine. After her Bruce calls a little boy to the stage to play the acoustic guitar and shout hey baby! Bruce gives the guitar to him while audience cheers and the boy isn't sure if he can really take it just like that.

American Land wasn't a surprise tonight in this country which has sent so many immigrants to USA including some of Bruce's own forefathers. Next we hear Shout again, and this time the audience takes this far more seriously than yesterday by getting much lower than earlier no matter that there isn't exactly room for this and at least I have no clue if I can get back up again after it, but it is so fun!

During Shout there is the normal "You have just seen the heart stopping etc. E Street Band" shout, but to our big surprise it is followed by "and we will salute the ticket seeking, queue forming, burger eating etc. legendary E Street fans", and it is easy to see that he really means this, wow! This Little Light Of Mine means that the show and the tour are ending now, but let's celebrate this moment right now with hands in the air, singing and dancing. Bruce, you have given us light tonight!

The band bows and Bruce sends them away. Oh no, please don't go yet. Luckily Bruce himself stays, I guess we are still treated with an acoustic Thunder Road although we got a full band version already? No, this harmonica intro isn't TR, what this is, oh it is This Hard Land, the theme song of our Finnish fan community! Of course it is not aimed just to us Finns but to all of this audience and this hard Ireland, but never mind, we can at least think that it is just for our group here in the pit. Hugging and crying again, and this time no tissues can hold this flood but I wipe my wet face to my sleeves now.

Finally even this last song is over, Bruce thanks us once more and leaves the stage. He pauses still for a second or two at the top of the stage stairs and stands there listening to the audience with his back to us before finally leaving and disappearing from our eyes.

Thank you Bruce for all of you have given us this far. Take care, wherever you go after this.

Start time: 19:26

1. This Little Light of Mine
2. My Love Will Not Let You Down
3. Badlands
4. We Take Care of Our Own
5. Adam Raised a Cain
6. Death to My Hometown
7. American Skin (41 Shots)
8. The Promised Land
9. Wrecking Ball
10. Spirit in the Night
11. The River (request)
12. WILD BILLY'S CIRCUS STORY (request, "have taken this sign many times before and did not played it, he kept making it again everytime")
13. MAN AT THE TOP (request)

--- Introducing the entire Born To Run album ---

15. Thunder Road
16. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
17. Night
18. Backstreets (with Sad Eyes)
19. Born to Run
20. She's the One
21. Meeting Across The River
22. Jungleland
23. The Rising
24. Land Of Hope And Dreams


25. Born In The USA
26. Bobby Jean
27. Seven Nights To Rock
28. Dancing In The Dark
29. American Land
30. Shout
31. This Little Light Of Mine
32. This Hard Land (solo acoustic)

End time: 22:45

Total: 3 hrs 19 mins
Ipod Graduate
Viestit: 1300
Liittynyt: 10.01.2013 17:29

Re: 27.-28.07.2013 Nowlan Park, Kilkenny, Ireland GRANDE FIN

Viesti Kirjoittaja rosie_77 »

Kiitos näistä kaikista rapsoista & videoista, todella hieno viikonloppu ollut Irlannissa. Tuo Liisan viimeisen rapsan viimeiset rivit sai silmät kostumaan, varsinkin kohta, jossa Springsteen pysähtyy hetkeksi kuuntelemaan yleisön pauhua ennen lavalta poistumistaan. Siinä on jotain niin haikeaa.
I want the whole damn world to come dance with me
41 shots
Chaos Without Prophecy
Viestit: 1702
Liittynyt: 10.01.2013 8:43
Paikkakunta: Hyvinkää

Re: 27.-28.07.2013 Nowlan Park, Kilkenny, Ireland GRANDE FIN

Viesti Kirjoittaja 41 shots »

Salla kirjoitti:

Tässä vielä mun kuvaama video, jossa näkyy hiukan Teron ja Päivin sekä muun porukan reaktioita. En oikein pystynyt keskittymään kuvaamiseen, ymmärtänette miksi... Taustaäänenä porukan onnen nyyhkytystä.

Video ei näy hakusanoilla etsittynä vaan vain suoran linkin kautta. Tero ja Päivi sekä pari muuta videolla esiintyvää antoivat luvan julkaista tämän tässä ketjussa, jos joku bongaa kasvonsa eikä halua sitä näkyviin, niin laita viestiä ja otan videon pois.
Ei tälläisiä saa laittaa, Multahan menee maine kun parun isoon ääneen, että mä sniif olen sniif niiiiiin sniif onnellinen sniif... Teini pyörittelee silmiään, kun äiti parkuu :D :D
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