27.-28.07.2013 Nowlan Park, Kilkenny, Ireland GRANDE FINALE!

Tänne kaikki keskustelu vuoden 2013 kiertuesta
Lucky Man
Viestit: 479
Liittynyt: 11.01.2013 15:45

Re: 27.-28.07.2013 Nowlan Park, Kilkenny, Ireland GRANDE FIN

Viesti Kirjoittaja mika »

Pekka kirjoitti: Albumin jälkeen tulee tietysti WOASD ja Rising. Mitä ihmettä? Rising nyt. Milloin se Sunny Day sitten tulee? No sitä ei sitten koskaan tullutkaan. Oliko tää eka kerta Risingin ilmestymisen jälkeen, kun tota ei vedetty E Street Bandin keikalla? En oo ihan varma. Ja sitten taas normisetin lopetus LOHADilla. Ai että kun tää taas maistui nannalle.
Sunny day jäi soittamatta myös Helsingissä 2008.
Gypsy Biker
Viestit: 789
Liittynyt: 11.01.2013 11:47

Re: 27.-28.07.2013 Nowlan Park, Kilkenny, Ireland GRANDE FIN

Viesti Kirjoittaja Thunder75 »

mika kirjoitti:
Pekka kirjoitti: Albumin jälkeen tulee tietysti WOASD ja Rising. Mitä ihmettä? Rising nyt. Milloin se Sunny Day sitten tulee? No sitä ei sitten koskaan tullutkaan. Oliko tää eka kerta Risingin ilmestymisen jälkeen, kun tota ei vedetty E Street Bandin keikalla? En oo ihan varma. Ja sitten taas normisetin lopetus LOHADilla. Ai että kun tää taas maistui nannalle.
Sunny day jäi soittamatta myös Helsingissä 2008.
Hyvä huomio, sen tilalla tuli silloin upea Point Blank. Bruce bongasi senkin jonkun kaverin kyltistä, oli tuo kaveri vissiin kanniskellut sitä mukanaan muutaman keikan ajan.
Fani Nilsille Kämpin edustalla 15.6.2003: -Hey, do you know when Bruce is coming out?
Nils: No idea, I'm his guitar player, not his dad.
Jack Of All Trades
Viestit: 139
Liittynyt: 28.01.2013 13:12
Paikkakunta: Vantaa/Helsinki

Re: 27.-28.07.2013 Nowlan Park, Kilkenny, Ireland GRANDE FIN

Viesti Kirjoittaja Kipa71 »

Pekka kirjoitti:Wrecking Ball Weekend in Kilkenny
Brucen on vaikea pitää silmiään auki, laulaessaan "Meet me tonight in Liberty Hall" -biisiä. Siis varmasti tiedät, mikä se on nimeltään. Sovitaanko niin, ettemme kuitenkaan liikaa omi sitä tälle porukalle. Ei kannata. Se on niin hyvä ja toimiva akustisena. Mehän voisimme tehdä tästä leffankin. Miten muuten foorumimmem nimeksi valikoitui tämä? Paras fanikerhon nimi.
Niin tuota nimi valintaa minäkin olin tässä juuri pohtinut? Voisiko joku kertoa mitkä on taustat? Vai löytyykö tieto jostain täältä sivuilta jo?

T. Kipa71
Liisa S
Daydream Believer
Viestit: 4206
Liittynyt: 09.01.2013 16:57
Paikkakunta: Espoo

Re: 27.-28.07.2013 Nowlan Park, Kilkenny, Ireland GRANDE FIN

Viesti Kirjoittaja Liisa S »

Kipa71 kirjoitti: Niin tuota nimi valintaa minäkin olin tässä juuri pohtinut? Voisiko joku kertoa mitkä on taustat? Vai löytyykö tieto jostain täältä sivuilta jo?
Toki tuo tieto löytyy THL:n historiikista täältä: http://www.thishardland.fi/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=65" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Ja sitten asiaan eli Kilkennyn ekan show review:

Bruce Springsteen at Nowlan Park, Kilkenny, Ireland, Saturday July 27th, 2013 (Wrecking Ball Weekender Day 1)
We drove nearly all night to hear some sweet soul music

The Wrecking Ball Weekender is a two nights stand in the middle of nowhere - err, Ireland. These are going to be the two very last shows of this 2nd European leg, and if you don't count the South American shows (Bruce dosn't seem to), these are really the two last shows of all of this Wrecking Ball Tour, which has taken now something like 16 months. Everybody remembers Helsinki last summer (the end of the 1st Euro leg) and some earlier last shows of a tour in U.S. Then think about set lists from two last shows, Cardiff and Leeds, and so hopes are set very high for these two shows.

But then, this is a festival instead of a proper show, which means an outdoors venue with a good chance for rain, several others bands which mean that the true fans have to get inside far too early and also this is Ireland, which might mean that most of the audience are non-diehard Britons and local folks, who just get drunk while waiting for ESB to take th stage, and who will not tolerate too slow or non-familiar songs. Just remember what happened in Leeds during If You Should Fall Behind, where the audience was supposed to be "classier" than on average. So these two shows might be just your run-of-the-mill hit potpourris.

Anyway, we are here. The Finnish This Hard Land fan community kind of lost our common sense and so there are at least twenty of us, even as there is no guarantee that we will get good shows. But anyway, it is Bruce Springsteen after all and so no matter what he plays, the shows will be good, and this is Ireland, where people are friendly and beer is plenty! Several of us spend a day in Dublin before heading for Kilkenny and enjoyed sightseeing, food and numerous pubs.

The pit queue was kind of organized, but nobody knew how long we had to stay put and how much time we had before something else happens. We didn't mind too much, as we were seasoned pit line number holders and we were used to expect worse and just enjoy the company and the weather, as it was quite warm and didn't rain for most of the time. Meanwhile we hear fancy rumours about the strings being here, Bono being here and even Jon Bon Jovi being here. Nice rumours, me likes.

Finally we are in! There are three acts before ESB, and so we take our places and sit down. Josh Ritter is so fun, I'm certainly going to see him again! That part when he made all of the audience to howl the familiar BtR riff was a very good moment. Damien Dempsey is ok and Glen Hansard is quite good and his band with horns and strings is excellent.

The Finnish THL group has gathered around the Circus sign into a good point close to the stage. Having enough friends arounds makes it easy to pass time and to keep our spots while we have to go to toilet or to find something to eat. We have room to sit nicely even after Glen Hansard's set as there has been no proper pit rush, people have just quietly creeped forward every time a new performer has stepped on the stage.

Now finally it is time, and the ESB takes the stage. Fans had tweeted before the show that everyone should write "Thank You" on the other side of their signs and some fans have printed a big bunch of papers with Thank You on one side and given them to lots of people in the pit. I had one too, and now it was time to raise it. The sea of Thank You signs makes Bruce to smile and thank us humbly.

Then Roy's piano gives us the first notes of This Little Light of Mine. Kind of an expected start here in Ireland, and I had really waited to hear this one. Audience takes part very actively, nice! Badlands is another tune which makes audience jump and sing and when the next song, Out in the Street, begins, audience starts to sing so eagerly that we notice only after some lines that Bruce didn't start yet and is just smiling at us and waiting for his own turn. I love this kind of energy!

Bruce goes to the stage left and takes two big cardboard signs, at least one of them from a little kid: Shake and Sweet Soul Music. Dream cover songs, and he really does them both right now! They clearly hadn't practised these earlier, but ESB sounds good. They really can do any old hit songs, and now with horns they sound like it was 1960's again. All the pit dances!

Death to My Hometown after these is kind of a let down, but hey, they have to do this and it is actually a good song. A long Johnny 99 with the horn section was something I wanted to hear once egain on this tour, and the next song Stand On It is again something I've really wanted to hear live at least once, what a funny rocker. Wrecking Ball is followed by yet another request, a full band Long Time Comin'. This is definitely one of the highlights of this show.

I hadn't heard Jack of All Trades for a while, and so I don't complain especially when it is followed by The River. Twelwe songs already, this isn't going to be an album show - but now Bruce starts a story with words "in 1985..." Uh huh, it is about a show in Slane Castle during the BitUSA tour and yes, they are now going to do the whole BitUSA album. Uh, please anything but that album, as I've already hard it twice during this summer, in Solna #1 and in Munich. Well yes, these are good songs but unlike during two previous times, now I can't get into the proper mood. Of course I still sing along and raise my hands, but in Munich this was somehow much better.

When the album is over, we get immediately Waitin' on a Sunny Day, The Rising (luckily it is very good tonight) and Land of Hope and Dreams, which ends the main set. I raise my Thank You paper again and Kim the camera lady picks it immediately to the big screen while countless other Thank Yous are also raised.

Encore starts with a fantastic Drive All Night with Glen Hansard. Glen had told how he admires Bruce during his own set, and look how happy he is to be on stage with his idol! He sings so nicely his parts, this is the very best moment of this night. But even Born to Run can't get the audience back to the energetic euphoria we felt during the first songs, and Bruce doesn't take as much contact with the audience as he could. After Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out we get Shout, and as I'm now pit, it is fun to crouch with most other people during the "little lower now" part. Then again This Little Light of Mine (hey look how Steve is grinning and dancing, I though that he just doesn't dance) and when the band has left, Bruce still does an acoustic Thunder Road.

Well, that was that. Not a bad set list and a couple of nice highlights, but it was still among the weakest shows I've seen this year. Bruce clearly wasn't 100 % present. Let's hope that he is saving his energy for tomorrow, but let's not try to expect too much. We'll get to see another show tomorrow, and a Bruce Springsteen & ESB show is always a good one. Besides, let's get a beer or two and enjoy being in here in Ireland, with this Sweet Soul Music horns riff playing nonstop in my head!

Start time: 19.33

1. This Little Light of Mine
2. Badlands
3. Out in the Street
4. SHAKE (request, original by Sam Cooke)
5. SWEET SOUL MUSIC (request)
6. Death to My Hometown
7. Johnny 99
8. Stand On It
9. Wrecking Ball
10. Long Time Comin' (request)
11. Jack of All Trades
12. The River

--- Introducing the entire Born In The USA album ---

13. Born in the U.S.A
14. Cover Me
15. Darlington County
16. Working on the Highway
17. Downbound Train
18. I'm on Fire
19. No Surrender
20. Bobby Jean
21. I'm Goin' Down
22. Glory Days
23. Dancing in the Dark
24. My Hometown

25. Waitin' on a Sunny Day
26. The Rising
27. Land of Hope and Dreams


28. Drive All Night (with Glen Hansard)
29. Born to Run
30. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
31. Shout
32. This Little Light of Mine

33. Thunder Road (solo acoustic)

End time: 22:47
Mr. BruusTone
Viestit: 2576
Liittynyt: 10.01.2013 0:19

Re: 27.-28.07.2013 Nowlan Park, Kilkenny, Ireland GRANDE FIN

Viesti Kirjoittaja rane »

Ile kirjoitti:Tämä oli ehdottomasti yksi kovimmista hetkistä. Tuo kiitos faneille aiheuttaa silmähikeä varmasti vielä pitkään.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJSkn1Wjvyk" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Kieltämätä upea tapa kiittää.

Pongailin tuttuja naamoja tuolta, ainakin Salla ~3:00 ja Jyrki ~4:30 kohdilla.
31.07.2012 - when Helsinki turned to Heavenski
Lucky Man
Viestit: 359
Liittynyt: 11.01.2013 12:20
Paikkakunta: Espoo

Re: 27.-28.07.2013 Nowlan Park, Kilkenny, Ireland GRANDE FIN

Viesti Kirjoittaja sannaspringsteen »


tälläinenkin versio löytyi tuubista.
I'll keep movin' through the dark with you in my heart, my blood brother.
Mr. BruusTone
Viestit: 2576
Liittynyt: 10.01.2013 0:19

Re: 27.-28.07.2013 Nowlan Park, Kilkenny, Ireland GRANDE FIN

Viesti Kirjoittaja rane »

sannaspringsteen kirjoitti:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ClhpCy6B_A

tälläinenkin versio löytyi tuubista.
Tuossa taitaa olla paras versio jossa on ne alkujutut myös. Tämä on kyllä aika silimähikinen klippi.
31.07.2012 - when Helsinki turned to Heavenski
Saved by rock'n'roll
Viestit: 2367
Liittynyt: 10.01.2013 9:12
Paikkakunta: Turku

Re: 27.-28.07.2013 Nowlan Park, Kilkenny, Ireland GRANDE FIN

Viesti Kirjoittaja Ile »

Nyt löytyy täydellinen versio samasta aiheesta.

Let go of the little distractions
Hold close to the ones that you love
Cause we won't all be here this time next year
So while you can, take a picture of us
Downbound Train
Viestit: 1085
Liittynyt: 13.01.2013 10:46
Paikkakunta: Tampere

Re: 27.-28.07.2013 Nowlan Park, Kilkenny, Ireland GRANDE FIN

Viesti Kirjoittaja Salla »

Ile kirjoitti:Nyt löytyy täydellinen versio samasta aiheesta.

Onpa mahtavaa huomata kuinka pitkälle meidän porukan riemun huudot kantoivat! Kyllä siinä THL-rintama räjähti ihan totaalisesti... Ja niin upeasta syystä.

Kirjoittelen keikkafiiliksiä varmaan tänään illalla. Nyt on saanut itseään jo sen verran onneksi kokoon. Videoita en sittenkään ole oikein pystynyt katsomaan lukuunottamatta Wild Billyä tai This Hard Landia. Molemmissa pukkaa silmähikeä nestehukkaan saakka. On tää taas aikamoista tunteiden vuoristorataa.
Täytyy kuitenkin jo heti tässä viestissä kiittää koko sydämeni pohjasta reissuun osallistuneita sekä ylipäätään kaikkia foorumilaisia. Ootte te upeita ihmisiä. Tää on ihana perhe.

EDIT: Oho, luottoystävä Dan kuvannut tämän videon! Siltä löytyy todella laadukkaita videoita muiltakin keikoilta. Katsokaa ihmeessä.
Tonight I'll be on that hill 'cause I can't stop
Downbound Train
Viestit: 1085
Liittynyt: 13.01.2013 10:46
Paikkakunta: Tampere

Re: 27.-28.07.2013 Nowlan Park, Kilkenny, Ireland GRANDE FIN

Viesti Kirjoittaja Salla »

Tässä vielä mun kuvaama video, jossa näkyy hiukan Teron ja Päivin sekä muun porukan reaktioita. En oikein pystynyt keskittymään kuvaamiseen, ymmärtänette miksi... Taustaäänenä porukan onnen nyyhkytystä.

Video ei näy hakusanoilla etsittynä vaan vain suoran linkin kautta. Tero ja Päivi sekä pari muuta videolla esiintyvää antoivat luvan julkaista tämän tässä ketjussa, jos joku bongaa kasvonsa eikä halua sitä näkyviin, niin laita viestiä ja otan videon pois.
Tonight I'll be on that hill 'cause I can't stop
Vastaa Viestiin