7.-8. 5. Turku settilistat ja jälkipyykki

Keskustelua 2013-kiertueen Suomen keikoista
Born To Run
Viestit: 3
Liittynyt: 17.01.2013 8:48

Re: 7.-8. 5. Turku settilistat ja jälkipyykki

Viesti Kirjoittaja marhei »

Hieno keikka eilen! <3 Onko kellään tietoa, missä julkaistaan ne kuvat, jotka on otettu lavalta juuri ennen keikkaa? Kuvassa siis mikkiständi ja pitti. Parikin tyyppiä kävi kuvia ottamassa eilen.
Born To Run
Viestit: 4
Liittynyt: 06.05.2013 19:28

Re: 7.-8. 5. Turku settilistat ja jälkipyykki

Viesti Kirjoittaja disco »

Päässä humisee ja kuulokin tais mennä, hyvä että vapaapäivä sattu keikan jälkeen. Ensimmäinen sisäkeikka (neljäs ylipäätään) tuli nähtyä ja hyvältä paikkaa heti pitin takaa, HK toimi loistavasti paikkana pienuudessaan. Sen käsittelyyn mitä näki ja kuuli menee kyllä taas aikansa, olo taas kuin herätysliikkeessä olis käyny :D.

Onneks Munchen ja Lepizig omalla listalla tulossa sopivin väliajoin :)
Liisa S
Daydream Believer
Viestit: 4206
Liittynyt: 09.01.2013 16:57
Paikkakunta: Espoo

Re: 7.-8. 5. Turku settilistat ja jälkipyykki

Viesti Kirjoittaja Liisa S »

Liisa's Show Review:
Bruce Springsteen at HK Areena, Turku, Finland, Wednesday May 8th, 2013
Who would have guessed that we get a world premiere tonight?

Second night in Turku! The weather is turning warmer, and so we all sit outdoors and get some sun while discussing the show last night and go through its highlights while trying to guess what we will hear tonight. We are told that Nils has just tweeted that if Bruce crowd surfs, please return him to the stage legs first. Okay, let's try to do it properly tonight!

Inside I take a place at the back rail of the pit, just next to the smaller stage between pit and the rest of the floor. This is such a small pit (650 persons last night, 700 tonight) that I'm still very close to the stage and also close to its dead center. I pass time by chatting with a British fan sitting next to me and with a group of three young Finns who are going to see their very first Bruce show tonight.

Lights out, and that's Bruce alone with an acoustic guitar, what will be the starter tonight? Oh, I'll Work For Your Love just like in Helsinki last summer. Nice, it is so beautiful! Then the band enters and they launch Long Walk Home. Good, because that really needed more play time as it is one of the best songs from Magic and works so well in this live arrangement. The Ties The Bind, again something we don't hear in every show which is followed by one of my own favourites, Out In The Street!

Bruce picks up a request and nove we get Atlantic City, which is followed by Wrecking Ball (and so there will be no WTCOOO tonight) and Death to My Hometown. Audience tonight is already quite warm and take part nicely. Perhaps little less hand waving and jumping than yesterday as people are tired, but more singing along and also not just the pit is active, but also surprisingly many seated people are already up and having a really good time.

Hungry Heart (with much better audience singing than yesterday) follows, and now crowd surfing starts! Yes, everybody has listened to what to do, and Bruce is nicely turned around and enters the stage legs first, which is safer than yesterday. Everyone cheers so loudly!

Now Bruce asks us to show the requests, just like yesterday, and I rise my Chimes of Freedom high (yes I know, I promised to some of my friends that I won't take any plates with me tonight as I got my Pink Cadillac yesterday, but hey, I'm way back here and I know he isn't going to do this one). He again picks up several interesting ones like Streets of Philadelphia and Wild Billy's Circus Story (way to go, Päivi and Tero! I love your circus tent plate!).

The request slot starts with Blinded By The Light. Nice to hear it with full band, as we got the acoustic version last summer. Next request song is Does This Bus Stop at 82nd Street? and that's really another gem. The horns especially in the intro sound so good and the drum battle between Max and Everett is so fun! And what's this, oh oh Ain't Good Enough For You, from The Promise! This such a fun song and with enough background singers (including most of the band and naturally a good part of the audience) this sounds really good. Hmm, why a song sounds about always extra good in my ears when Garry is doing backgrounds too and not just "the official singers" of this group?

Still one more request, and it is for a Belgian fan in front row who has been following Bruce for ages. What does that torn cardboard say? Wages of Sin! Certainly a tour premiere, as I can't remember seeing it in set lists. Hmm, I can't remember it from last tour either or the one before that. When it was last played? I ask the British guy standing next to me and he says he can't remember, what if it has been never played? We stare at each others and shake our heads. Nah, it MUST have been played before.

What a lovely arrangement! Very quiet and kind of mystical. Max has now solf-headed mallets instead of normal drum sticks, and listen to that trumpet score by Curt Ramm! This is clearly practised and not an audible. Why haven't this masterpiece been performed more often? Only after the show I found out that yes, we really got a world premiere of this song which was recorded already 31 years ago. Totally incredible! Who could have guessed this?

Wages of Sin is immediately followed by The River, which is once again so beautiful. Now it is time for Youngstown, I like this and I hadn't heard it yet this year! Could the next song be... yes, Murder Incorporated with lots of screaming guitars all around, just like it should be! And could the next on be... yes! Johnny 99, another dance party song with such horrible lyrics about that trial. Poor Johnny, indeed, but how fun it is to dance to this. The three young Finns in front of me sure know their moves! Different arrangement than earlier, more horns.

It was easy to guess that Open All Night will be played tonight, and in the beginning of it there was again that shtick about starting the clock and people letting their arses send a message to their brains, getting up and dancing in 90 seconds from right now. Pit is dancing from the very first notes, and the seated people also all get up to dance. There are now people dancing on the stairs and corridors, and the cameras pick them up nicely to the screens! I love how there was an instrumental snippet of Chicken Shack Boogie and the familiar shouts (cuba cuba cuba cuba etc.) from Huey "Piano" Smith's Don't You Just Know It added to this song.

When the intro of Shackled & Drawn starts, audience starts the same shoveling/grunting routine Bruce made us to do last summer in Helsinki, but I think that this time the audience actually started this on its own, and Bruce just followed! He now made us continue the shoveling by short sentences and because they included stuff like "I could kiss myself" I guess that he was very pleased by this audience which now made all the Turku arena echo.

Waitin' On a Sunny Day, let's see if he finds another suitable cute kid tonight. Yes, that boy in red hoodie looks like he is about 12 years old and he follows Bruce to the stage and now it is his part, but what the heck, that ain't no singing, that's rapping! After a short rap, the boy takes out a folded paper, makes Bruce hold it for him, tells Max to keep rhytm and does a much longer rap (sadly I can't make out the lyrics). After a normal "C'mon E Street Band" the song continues and again, the British guy and me stare again at each others and mouth "what was that?" to each others.

Lonesome Day and Badlands end the main set tonight. Encores start with a totally brilliant Racing In the Street, and that extra long and so beautiful piano outro by Roy Bittan manages to make my eyes get wet. That was really the highlight of this night for me.

After it we get Born in the USA (and it was easy to guess that this would be played again here). Max's drum solo again recreates the Vietnam war scene with artillery and explosion sounds while Bruce's guitar adds the screaming fighter jets. Shit, this is way cool! Max did this same war sound thing already last summer, but was there Bruce's guitar too then? Or is the sound just so much better here indoors that I can hear it?

The rest of the encores consist of Born To Run (hey, what are those horns doing when the audience is playing Bruce's guitar? Haven't noticed that before. Nice to stand here where I can see all of the stage unlike in earlier shows!), Dancing In The Dark with a pretty but rather mediocre dancer (when compared to last night's outstanding performance), another happy Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out with band intros and finally American Land which ends with the normal "You've just seen..."

Yes, we have just seen! Not just one but two superb, funny and very entertaining shows full of surprises! This is kind of a victory for our THL community, a proof that we really do exist! Both shows combined with hanging around in the pit line and having meals with your buddies was kind like a hilarious, huge family gathering. All the family was there and although you don't know them all by face and can't remember how they are related to you, you know that they are kin, and best of all was that our American friend or something like a fourth cousin came over and throw a little house party for us!

Set list

1. I'll Work For Your Love (solo acoustic)
2. Long Walk Home
3. The Ties The Bind
4. Out In The Street
5. Atlantic City (request)
6. Wrecking Ball
7. Death to My Hometown
8. Hungry Heart
9. Blinded By The Light (request)
10. Does This Bus Stop at 82nd Street? (request)
11. Ain't Good Enough For You (request)
12. Wages of Sin (world premiere, request)
13. The River
14. Youngstown
15. Murder Incorporated
16. Johnny 99
17. Open All Night (w/ snippets of Chicken Shack Boogie and Don't You Just Know It)
18. Shackled & Drawn
19. Waitin' On a Sunny Day (with a rapping Sunny Day Kid)
20. Lonesome Day
21. Badlands


22. Racing In the Street
23. Born in the USA
24. Born To Run
25. Dancing In The Dark
26. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out (with band intros)
27. American Land

Show over at 10:10 p.m.
Gypsy Biker
Viestit: 789
Liittynyt: 11.01.2013 11:47

Re: 7.-8. 5. Turku settilistat ja jälkipyykki

Viesti Kirjoittaja Thunder75 »

Wages of Sin päässyt kansainvälisiinkin uutisiin :)

http://www.glidemagazine.com/hiddentrac ... n-finland/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Kiitos Liisalle arvostelusta (ja Pink Cadillacista)
Fani Nilsille Kämpin edustalla 15.6.2003: -Hey, do you know when Bruce is coming out?
Nils: No idea, I'm his guitar player, not his dad.
Jack Of All Trades
Viestit: 118
Liittynyt: 11.01.2013 14:44
Paikkakunta: Turku

Re: 7.-8. 5. Turku settilistat ja jälkipyykki

Viesti Kirjoittaja ycis »

marhei kirjoitti:Hieno keikka eilen! <3 Onko kellään tietoa, missä julkaistaan ne kuvat, jotka on otettu lavalta juuri ennen keikkaa? Kuvassa siis mikkiständi ja pitti. Parikin tyyppiä kävi kuvia ottamassa eilen.
Ainakin Instagram:issa....

edit; lef_iv
Viimeksi muokannut ycis, 09.05.2013 14:31. Yhteensä muokattu 1 kertaa.
Mr. BruusTone
Viestit: 2576
Liittynyt: 10.01.2013 0:19

Re: 7.-8. 5. Turku settilistat ja jälkipyykki

Viesti Kirjoittaja rane »

ycis kirjoitti:
marhei kirjoitti:Hieno keikka eilen! <3 Onko kellään tietoa, missä julkaistaan ne kuvat, jotka on otettu lavalta juuri ennen keikkaa? Kuvassa siis mikkiständi ja pitti. Parikin tyyppiä kävi kuvia ottamassa eilen.
Ainakin Instagram:issa....
Lef niitä twiittaa, tässä Turku 2 ja kuvassa yksi foorumilippis https://twitter.com/Lef_iv/status/33216 ... 68/photo/1" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
31.07.2012 - when Helsinki turned to Heavenski
Growin' Up
Viestit: 62
Liittynyt: 11.01.2013 21:46
Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Re: 7.-8. 5. Turku settilistat ja jälkipyykki

Viesti Kirjoittaja luotoja »

Jaahas. Junan tietoverkko taisi viedä edellisen viestin www-tuonelaan.

Olen muuten sitten kiittänyt junassa Live Nationin porukoita kun istuivat viereisillä penkeillä ja totesin, että viralliset kiitokset meiltä tulee varmaan sitten perästäpäin Tapsan välittämänä. Samalla tosin jo kiittelin heille turvafirman toimintaa, varsinkin sen kohtuu nuoren jampan osalta joka piti meistä huolta. Pyysivät laittamaan asian vielä sähköpostilla heille, jotta voisivat välittää sen turvafirman johdolle(ton tason kavereita on oikeasti harvassa, rento ja mukava, mutta samalla duuninsa hoitava ei tärkeilevä secu)

Ainaskin pitti-jonotuksen aikana oli puhetta, että myös turkuhallin suuntaan voisi välitellä kiitoksia, varsinkin hallimestarille joka maanantaina hoiteli meidän asioita. Oli myös puhetta jostain pienestä muistamisesta hänelle.
Born to run.
Born To Run
Viestit: 25
Liittynyt: 15.01.2013 11:00

Re: 7.-8. 5. Turku settilistat ja jälkipyykki

Viesti Kirjoittaja Maximina »

Komppaan edellisiä, ihan sairaan hyvät keikat HK-Areenalla, voittavat Solnan molemmat keikat 6-0. Racing, Aint good enough ja Pay me my money down ja Wages of Sin (varsinkin Nicolacsen ja kanssakuulijoiden onnenriemu kun toive toteutui) olivat tällä kertaa parhaimmat kokemukset.

Nyt oli ensimmäistä kertaa THL paita päällä konserteissa ja oli aivan mahtavaa, kun "kanssapaitajia" tuli moikattua vessajonossa, juna-asemilla, lentobussissa, hotellikäytävillä jne :D

Aivan ihana tämä THL jälkipyykkiketju, täällä iloitaan aidosti siitä mitä olemme kokeneet ja kuulleet, päinvastoin kuin välillä esim. Springsteen.se foorumilla...Siellä näyttää tuo Brucefanitus välillä olevan niin ybertasolla että koko keikka saattaa olla pettymys jos "Youngstownin kolmannen säkeistön rumpusoolo oli kymmenesosan liian pitkä", haukutaan toisten toivebiisejä ja bla bla bla... :? Minulle Brucen keikka on aina mahtava asia ja iloitsen jokaisesta livekappaleesta jota olen saanut kuulla, olkoon se sitten mun lempibiisi tai ei tai maailman paras versio tai ei, se on silti BRUCE LIVENÄ!

Suuret kiitokset vielä jonojen vetäjille, teillä oli homma hanskassa!

Teille onnekkaille jotka olette menossa Solnaan lauantaina, hyvää keikkaa!

Ja Brucelle terveisiä: Baby come back, B :P aby come back..
Sausage Finger
Jack Of All Trades
Viestit: 244
Liittynyt: 11.01.2013 13:22
Paikkakunta: Kyrsälä

Re: 7.-8. 5. Turku settilistat ja jälkipyykki

Viesti Kirjoittaja Sausage Finger »

Kiitokset mahtavasta keikkaseurasta kaikille foorumilaisille. Vähän oli tänä aamuna ankeata herätä, kun seuraavaan keikkaan on vielä reilu pari kuukautta.

Eka ilta oli spessu meille foorumilaisille monella tapaa ja rankkaan sen tunnelmallisesti paremmaksi. Toisen illan settilista oli virkistävä poikkeus... encoren loppua lukuunottamatta. No onneksi saatiin Ghostareiden keikalla sitten Jungleland ja Rosie :-)

Terv Juha aka Nakkisormi aka Proud Father of The Brothers with Orange Cote D'Ivoire Jacket

P.S. Ai niin sitä pyykki-asiaa... Hoitelin meidän kyltit veks HK-Areenan parkkikselta ja siitä ekasta risteyksestä. Toivottavasti kukaan ei kaipaa enää sitä vesivaneria ja sitä isoa pittijono-ohjetta.
Proud Father of The Brothers with Orange Cote D'Ivoire Jacket
Jack Of All Trades
Viestit: 184
Liittynyt: 11.01.2013 12:44
Paikkakunta: Kotka

Re: 7.-8. 5. Turku settilistat ja jälkipyykki

Viesti Kirjoittaja Miika_ »

Itkettää, naurattaa, onnellinen olo! Siinä kaikki. :D :D :D
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